Wednesday, 28 September 2016

IYCW Colloquy promotes inter-generational solidarity

Jean-Marie Dumortier, Fabrice Epis, Marlyse Strasser and Arlindo de Oliveira animate a session at the IYCW Colloquy
Current and former leaders of the YCW movement gathered in Herzogenrath, near Aachen, Germany, over the 24-26 September weekend for the IYCW International Colloquy, with the aim of developing cooperation between the various generations of leaders.

Participants shared their experience of developing networks of former YCW leaders in the various continents, notably in Latin America. CCI treasurer, Stefan Gigacz, also presented the Cardijn Community model.

IYCW president, Ludovicus Mardiyono, and treasurer, Andy Predicala, also shared their reflections on the needs and challenges faced by the movement today.

Marlyse Strasser, Fabrice Epis and Jacques Hanon presented the work of the International Cardijn Association (formerly known as the International Cardijn Foundation), particularly the gathering of more than 200 personal testimonies by former YCW leaders.

A series of presentations from current YCW leaders as well as several experts also highlighted a number of challenges facing the world today.

World Social Forum co-founder Chico Whitaker shared his experience and vision of building networks and developing new methodologies, while former Philippines YCW leader, Daisy Arago, and former Belgian KAJ leader, Luc Cortebeeck, both highlighted the challenges in the world of work.

A concluding session identified extension, training and financial support as several of the key areas in which collaboration between former and current YCW leaders could be developed.

Finally, all participants took part in an opening mass at St Jacob's Church, Aachen,

Former IYCW chaplain, Bishop Reginaldo Andrietta, Bishop Jean-Pierre Delville of Liège, Belgium, and Emeritus Bishop Heinrich Mussinghoff celebrated the opening mass with a number of YCW chaplains.

This was followed by a public demonstration and march that ended at Aachen railway station.


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