Friday, 21 July 2017

Cardijn 1967-2017: Cry of the Poor and Cry of the Earth

It is 50 years since Cardijn left us.

24th July 2017 marks the 50th death anniversary of a man who showed us a way of life and changed the way the world and the Church looked at young people.

The main focus of Cardijn's message was 'human dignity'.

Ceaseless commitment in the service of humanity thereby participating in the plan of God was the spirituality professed by Cardijn.

Pope Francis in his message to the WMCW on their 50th anniversary in Spain a few days back reiterated this message of 'dignity'.

Cardijn showed the way to the Church to 'See, Judge and Act'.

The recent encyclical of Pope Francis on protecting our common home 'Laudato Si' is also based on the time tested SEE JUDGE ACT methodology.

CCI: was founded 16 years ago as a network to offer a possibility for those who had been trained in the Cardijn way to continue their commitment towards 'change' and to promote Cardijn's spirituality, vision and methodology.

Today CCI is present in Africa, Asia-Pacific, Africa, Europe and North America and we have contacts in South America.

CCI remembers Cardijn on his 50th death anniversary and resolves to continue his legacy in partnership with all Cardijn movements.

50th anniversary activities

CCI members, friends and contacts are requested to join in the 50th anniversary events organised in their places and also extend invitation to all Cardijn movements to join their activities.

Corresponding to the 50th anniversary theme "Cardijn 1967-2017: Cry of the Poor and Cry of the Earth", as a specific tribute to Cardijn, CCI members and contacts are requested to plant trees wherever possible, beginning from their homes collectively and individually.

Considering the change in living standards and patterns, if planting space is a constraint, they are requested to plant a sapling in a pot/container at home.

The pictures with a brief note on the 50th anniversary events and planting of trees may be posted in Cardijn Community International group on Facebook.

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